The Team

At Scire Law we boast a team of professionals that have joined us from various law firms, companies of recognised national and international prestige and the public sector.

Our team excels in providing advice in significant economic sectors such as agri-food, distribution and franchises, real estate and construction, banking and stock market, leisure and catering and health.

An in-depth knowledge of the sector in which our clients are active allows us to adapt our advice to their needs and provide genuine bespoke solutions;

this guarantees the absolute involvement of the firm’s partners in each and every project.

We believe in change as long as it is not implemented in a gratuitous fashion; we believe that change must be the tool that helps us to adapt as part of a continuous improvement process. This is the philosophy that guarantees excellence in the provision of our services.


Mercè A. Fernández

After graduating in Law and Political Science at the Abat Oliba C.E.U. University of Barcelona, she completed the Corporate Compliance program at Esade Law School and the Legal Practice Specialisation Program at the Abat Oliba C.E.U. University as well as an Accounting Course at the Centre for Financial Studies (CEF).

She was a Professor of Introduction to Law in Hotel Management at the Barcelona School of Catering (ESHOB).

During the years in which she has been in practice, she has specialised in the field of civil and commercial litigation. She started her career at the Territorial Policy and Public Works Department of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. She subsequently joined the ranks of the procedural law teams at Trias de Bes y Vidal Quadras, Pintó Ruiz & Del Valle and Ramón y Cajal Abogados before she eventually became a founding partner of Scire Law. She has coordinated many highly complex legal proceedings, specialising in the resolution of civil and commercial disputes, real estate, construction, trademark law, breach and termination of contracts, contractual and non-contractual liability, franchising, agency, etc.

Languages: Spanish, Catalan, English and French.





Antoni Fernández Teixidó

He is an Economist, Chartered Accountant, Auditor and Consultant with a degree in Business Administration.

Antoni’s career has been largely characterised by his political activities. He was the Secretary General of CDS with Adolfo Suárez. At one time or another, he has been a Deputy of the Spanish General Courts, Chairman of his Parliamentary Group and a Member of the Parliament of Catalonia. He was a member of the Executive Committee and National Councillor of CiU. He has occupied the position of Conseller de Treball, Indústria, Comerç i Turisme del Govern of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. He has recently founded the Lliures civil movement. He is currently the deputy chairman of the Society for Economic Studies for the Promotion of National Employment, the founding member of the von Mises Institute, a member of the Catalunya Oberta Foundation, a member of Círculo de Economía, a partner of the Juan de Mariana Institute, of the Spanish Association of Managers and Chief Executive of the Private Foundation of RCD Espanyol. At the same time as his political vocation, he has always been heavily involved in business and professional activities. In 1980, he founded the Ceteb Group whose members include Finances Globals i Anàlisi de Tributs y Comptes i Control Auditors. Throughout his professional career, he has acted as a tax consultant to a large number of companies, associations and unions from a range of sectors.

Languages: Catalan, Spanish and English.

Esther Amselem Amselem

As an Economist and Accountant with a degree in Business Administration, Esther began her professional career in the accounting and financial departments of the Cooperative Society of Health Care Facilities (SCIAS), Symester and the pharmaceutical company Uquifa.

She joined the Ceteb Group in 1981 and was made a partner in 1993, the year in which she co-founded Finances Globals i Anàlisi de Tributs and Comptes i Control Auditors alongside Antoni Fernández Teixidó where she advised many companies on tax and accounting matters. Esther occupies the role of Secretary of the Board of Directors of various companies, associations and foundations from a range of sectors. She has also been appointed as the insolvency practitioner of various companies.

Languages: Spanish, Catalan and French.



Of counsels



Pablo Nuevo López

Holder of a Law degree from the Pontificia de Comillas University – ICADE and a Doctor of Law cum laude at the San Pablo CEU University, Pablo completed the higher course of Law under European and Spanish Jurisdiction at the Ramón Carande Centre for Studies and was awarded the Diploma of Advanced Studies from the San Pablo CEU University.

His professional career started at the Department of Public Law of Garrigues at its Madrid office. He subsequently became immersed in academic activity and is currently the Director of the Law and Political Science Department, Director and Coordinator of the Masters in Law and Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the Abat Oliba CEU University.

At an international level, Pablo has also occupied the position of visiting scholar at Regent University Law School and at the Institute of European Studies, University of Notre Dame, and he has also taken part in significant presentations at universities all over the world. He is also a member of the Scientific Council of the Journal “Prawo i Polityka”, produced in Lublin (Poland).